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Magpie Tech VH-80

Welcome to the Magpie Tech VH-80 Amazon Prime Day Content Guide! In this article, we'll explore the groundbreaking features and benefits of the VH-80, the world's first bilateral laser distance measuring tool. Designed to revolutionize measurement tasks, the VH-80 ensures utmost accuracy and efficiency, allowing you to work smarter, not harder. Whether you're a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, the VH-80 is a must-have tool that simplifies your work and saves you valuable time. So let's dive in and discover the incredible capabilities of the VH-80!

Highly Accurate Measurements:

The VH-80 boasts remarkable precision, enabling you to measure distances up to 262ft (80m) with an impressive ±1/8 inch (3mm) accuracy. To ensure consistent precision, this tool is equipped with dual bubble levels, aiding in keeping it level during measurements. Say goodbye to measurement errors and hello to reliable results.

Increased Work Efficiency:

With the VH-80, you can significantly reduce work time and increase overall efficiency. The tool allows you to gather three different measurements - left laser's measurement, right laser's measurement, and the total distance - with just a single click of a button. No more moving around or kneeling to take measurements; simply stand anywhere and effortlessly measure length, width, and height. Additionally, the VH-80 offers various useful functions such as area and volume calculations, continuous measurement, and Pythagorean calculations. Adaptability is key, as the VH-80 can measure with both dual and single lasers to suit any measuring environment.

App Compatibility for Enhanced Functionality:

The VH-80 seamlessly integrates with a dedicated app, enhancing its capabilities and offering added convenience. The Measuring Mode within the app allows you to change VH-80's settings and use the tool without needing to hold it, making it perfect for situations where the device is set up on a tripod or when you require different modes or settings. The Sketch Mode is a standout feature that enables you to add measurements directly from your VH-80 to the app, creating detailed blueprints. You can even import images of your workspace into the app, eliminating the need to draw blueprints from scratch. The Calculation Mode in the app assists in determining the precise amount of materials required, minimizing wastage and optimizing your budget.

Prime Day Sale:

Exciting news for Prime Day shoppers! From July 11th to July 12th, you can take advantage of special offers on the VH-80. During this period, Magpie Tech will be running two types of sales. The Lightning Deal on Prime Day itself will offer the VH-80 at an incredible discounted price of $99.99 (originally $199.99). For the remainder of Prime Day, the VH-80 will be available at $109.99, and from July 13th to July 17th, the price will be $119.99.


In conclusion, the Magpie Tech VH-80 is a game-changing laser distance measuring tool that combines accuracy, efficiency, and versatility. Its bilateral laser technology, along with the companion app, sets it apart from traditional measuring tools. Say goodbye to manual calculations, tedious measurements, and potential errors. With the VH-80, you can streamline your workflow, save time, and achieve outstanding results. Don't miss out on the amazing Prime Day offers—grab your VH-80 and experience the future of measurement technology!

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